
【冰球突破】习近平总书记指出,On a new journey,It is hoped that teachers all over the country will follow the example of educators,Vigorously promote the "heart has a big me, the ideal and faith of serving the country.,The moral sentiment of words is the rule of scholars and behavior of the world,Enlightening the mind and educating people according to their aptitude,Diligent in learning and practice, seeking truth and innovation of the cultivation attitude,Love to teach love to live, willing to give the heart of love,Mind the world, the pursuit of the grand way of cultural people "educator spirit,Keep in mind the original mission of educating people for the Party and educating talents for the country,Establish the ambition and ambition of "cultivating the education altar and strengthening the country",Self-confidence, 踔厉 work hard,We will make new and greater contributions to the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation。

To promote the spirit of educators,The Propaganda Department of the Party Committee specially launched a series of Reports on Practicing the Spirit of Educators,To show that the excellent teachers of BTECH earnestly implement the educational policy of the Party,Teaching people, Bacon cast a vivid story of the soul,激励鼓舞全体教师为培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人,Create more people who can be useful and can shoulder heavy responsibilities to contribute。

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Global governance dialogue activities

"The green waves are rippling, the willows are weeping, and the applause is thundering。6月12日,一场关于‘在全球治理的舞台上报效国家’的青春对话,在冰球突破良乡校区的北湖湖畔热烈展开……”这是《冰球突破》对我校国际组织创新学院Global governance dialogue activities的报道。Ma Tao, Director of ICAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific,中国常驻国际民航组织理事会候任代表吕新明围绕国际组织创新Personnel training工作,To serve national strategic needs and global aviation governance issues,I had an in-depth discussion and exchange with all the students of the Global Governance Elite Class of our university。This is only a small epitome of the global governance talent training of the International Organization Innovation School。


Play "early chess" and train "leaders"

The strength of the country is due to people, and the talent comes from learning。

《冰球突破》明确提出,我国要 “培养大批具有国际视野、通晓国际规则、能够参与国际事务与国际竞争的国际化人才”。当前,积极参与全球治理,推动构建人类命运共同体,树立负责任大国的国际形象,是中国对世界应有的贡献。In the practice of implementing the international strategy of the Party and the state, what is the university?What Beijing Institute of Technology is doing?

“全球治理Personnel training是落实党和国家国际战略的一步‘先手棋’,高校必须主动担当、有所作为。How to train more global governance talents with high quality has become an important topic of talent training in the new era。”这是我校党委书记、中国工程院院士张军在国际组织创新学院开展国际组织Personnel training调研时指出的时代命题。

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Zhang Jun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Institute of Technology, went to the Institute of International Organization Innovation to conduct research on talent training for international organizations

日前,学校召开Personnel training工作会,发布《冰球突破Personnel training白皮书》,全球治理能力和全球胜任力被多次提及。

冰球突破坚持特色服务,主动下好全球治理Personnel training的 “先手棋”,打造全球治理高端智库,设立国际组织创新学院,立足理工特色,着力培养具有全球胜任力的复合型人才,为推动构建人类命运共同体作出贡献。”长期深入参与国际组织全球治理实践的刘浩瞄准并服务国家重大战略需求,参与论证建设国际组织创新学院并担任学院管理委员会执行主席,全面负责学院的日常运营和管理工作。

新时代新征程,冰球突破积极响应国家号召,始终坚持服务国家战略,主动担当,不断探索高端国际化人才特色培养路径与方案,构筑全球治理Personnel training新高地。“这也势必会成为助推学校高质量发展、加速建设世界一流大学新的增长极。Liu Hao is confident。

In four ways, in eight ways, in six ways,Crack the bottleneck of talent capacity in global governance

为破解现有学科导向教学体系培养的学生能力单一或者窄化,不适应国际组织和全球治理人才需求的问题,刘浩和团队在学校领导指导下提出了“四融八通”的Personnel training理念,确立了“六艺”能力模块。“四融”即本硕融、学院融、中外融、学科融;“八通”即培养通晓直至精通党和国家方针政策、专业和标准、中外国情、国际交往规则、全球和地区视野、国际谈判规则、语言和文化、合作和争端解决的现代化国际组织和全球治理高层次复合型人才。此外,面向国际组织和全球治理Personnel training,确立了阅读、写作、推广、评议、总结和主持“六艺”能力模块,并在课堂和实践教学中实施。

"In the design of the teaching system,We invite domestic and foreign academic masters and officials from international organizations,Carry out interdisciplinary and through-going joint training,To equip students with a global perspective,Familiar with party and state policies,Have a variety of professional abilities,Master and make proper use of international rules,Understanding respect for international cultural diversity,Proficiency in international working languages,进而具备胜任国际组织或者政府、产业界的国际组织和全球治理相关工作的能力。"Liu Hao introduced。

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International Organization Innovation Institute Global Governance Dialogue (SGG Talk)

“我们的团队集合了人文社科、工程、管理、基础研究等多领域精英,目标就是培养具有鲜明冰球突破官网特色且具备全球胜任力的领军领导人才。"Liu Hao said。目前,多位国际民航组织、国际粮农组织、联合国教科文组织、环境规划署、无人系统规则制定联合体,国际商事争端预防与解决组织的秘书长、局长、高级官员等通过各类人才计划和国际专家项目加入教学体系建设,Become an international teacher。


Cross-blending characteristic courses,Build a solid professional foundation for global governance

Enter the classroom of the Institute for International Organization Innovation,能看到“来自法学专业的同学和公共管理专业的同学在针对极地治理发表国际形势分析看法”,能听到“来自工商管理专业和管理科学与工程专业的同学在商讨数字经济的发展前景”,也能见到中英文无缝切换、正在“唇枪舌剑”的中外学生……得益于刘浩对课程体系的创新,Promote "disciplinary breaking" among students from different professional backgrounds。

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The Institute of International Organization Innovation held the China-Russia Polar Science and Technology Diplomacy Forum in Russia

“在课程体系设置上,学院融合了管理学和法学一级学科,聚焦全球治理方向,瞄准航空航天、数字经济和极地治理等科技治理前沿,构建具有国际组织和全球治理特色的课程培养体系。在现有学科Personnel training标准体系基础上,扩大通识教育,压缩整体学分要求,扩大选修内容和灵活度,做到Teach students according to their aptitude,建立一人一案的Personnel training模式。"Liu Hao introduced。

2008年,Liu Hao after graduating from China University of Political Science and Law,先后在北京航空航天大学航空法律和标准研究所、国家空管法规标准研究中心、国际民航组织(ICAO)专家组、无人系统规则制定联合体(JARUS) 和国际空间安全促进会(IAASS)等担任职务,Carry out long-term in-depth cutting-edge theoretical research,Accumulate practical experience in the field of international organizations。In recent years,刘浩先后开设了“航空航天法”“法律与科技”“跨文化交流”“全球治理概论”“联合国与国际组织”等核心课程,其中,全英文课程“Cross Culture Communication”“全球治理概论”“公共关系和危机管理”等均为首次开发讲授。“国际组织和全球治理领域的Personnel training要求掌握多学科的知识和能力,这些课程的设置,有助于学生增长知识能力,开阔视野、启发创新,强化学生全球治理、公共关系和危机应对的实践实务能力。"Liu Hao said。

全球治理英才班大二本科生张济涵表示:“在全球治理概论课程中,我学会思考一个议题时,不仅要去研究议题本身,也要去思考全球治理过程中涉及到的各方利益分配。当我们提出问题时,要考虑治理的复杂性,应该给出至少上中下策几种不同的解决策略。而这只是我这一年收获的一个缩影,我看待世界的方式和角度就在一次次的学习中发生了翻天覆地的改变。”“一年以来学院给我们创造了大大小小十几次宝贵的专业实践机会,其中不乏有全球数字经济大会国际会议、全球治理暑期研修的出国学习机会。正是在一次次思维的碰撞中和实践的教训中,我们得以打磨自己看待世界的思维,精进自己处理问题的能力。I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my college, the Institute of International Organization Innovation!"

Please come in and go out,Create a classic sample of practical teaching and education

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Dr. Weixi Gong shared on Global Development, Science and Technology Governance, and the United Nations

lately,联合国工业发展组织全球投资与技术促进办公室和机构伙伴司司长龚维希来到冰球突破官网,Combined with their own experience in domestic and international research institutions, industry and the United Nations,就全球发展机遇与挑战、知识产权制度在产业发展中的作用和反思、联合国改革等方面与国际组织创新学院的同学们进行分享交流。This is just one of the ways in which experts are invited to participate in the creation of a high-end dialogue platform on global governance。短短一年时间内,来自全球各地的多名国际组织高级别官员走进课堂,与同学们分享全球治理最新动态和实践。

"In addition to the campus, our practical classroom has gone global。”暑假期间,刘浩带领学生赴联合国研修,实地考察国际组织,提升学生对国际组织和全球治理的认识理解,提升综合能力。还安排学生进入国际民航组织等国际组织秘书处实习,参与国际组织相关议题会议,在实践中锻炼学生的国际组织工作能力。

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Summer Seminar on Global Governance at the Institute for International Organization Innovation

The Global Governance Summer Program was challenging, but rewarding。Zhang Danyang sighed: "Our journey of global governance research starts from the banner of the world。We have visited the United Nations, the World Trade Organization and other international organizations and heard the voice of the world。We visited the world cultural Heritage to appreciate the richness of history and the charm of civilization。We have in-depth exchanges with local enterprises and schools to spark ideas。We engage in dialogue with experts and scholars in various fields, constantly thinking and getting inspiration。这次研修我收获满满,我学会了自我管理和向上管理,关心他人和照顾自己,学会了更高效的团队合作和与人交流。Teachers' concern, care and encouragement are also the driving force that motivates us to move forward,The teachers said they were proud of us,我们也为有这样的学院、老师和同伴而感到骄傲!在不断修改新闻稿的过程中,我也体会到了一句话的力量∶“Be the best or nothing.”我将继续遵循这样的原则,带着中国青年的坚定和自信,积极参与到全球治理中去。”学员李可佳则表示:“最打动我的就是老师们的关怀和培养,他们给我们机会、鼓励我们放手去做,又不厌其烦地提醒我们细节上的问题。Just like parents, supervise and witness our growth。”其他学员也纷纷发表感言:“刘教授反复强调要自信,要勇敢,坚信自己想干的事一定有办法干成,而本次研修的圆满成功也让我坚信这句话。”“为期两周的研修帮助我们更好地了解了日内瓦多个国际组织,拓展了我们的国际视野,培养了我们开放式场景化自主学习的能力,是一次非常有意义、有收获的研究学习过程。"Thank you to the Academy for providing us with the opportunity and platform!"

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Summer Seminar on Global Governance at the Institute for International Organization Innovation


Teach students according to their aptitude,We will build a high-level personnel training system


"At the undergraduate level,要培养具有社会责任和全球胜任力的德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人;对来华留学生,It should strive to grow into global leadership and competence,能够在世界舞台上积极传播公正、共享、包容理念、在参与全球治理中主动贡献智慧和力量的高层次国际卓越人才。”

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Global Governance Excellence Class 2023 freshmen meeting

全球治理英才班是我校徐特立学院第一个以人文社科为基础,开展学科交叉的创新拔尖Personnel training试点,由徐特立学院、国际组织创新学院、管理与经济学院共同负责,协同育人。As the tutor of the Global Governance Excellence Class, Liu Hao has devoted great efforts to the growth of students。一方面,针对每名学生的不同专业和特点,定期跟学生们交流,提供有针对性指导;另一方面,积极争取外部资源,为学生提供高质量的锻炼机会和平台。全球治理英才班的同学积极参与月球搜寻救援国际会议、全球数字经济大会、全球治理高端对话等活动,Outstanding performance in various organizational competitions,In the freshman year, he won 15 practical awards,Won 14 honors,Was rated as the school advanced class collective and excellent Youth League branch。

在留学生培养方面,2021 年起,国际组织创新学院在管理科学与工程、工商管理、法学等三个一级学科设立“国际组织和全球治理”专项,每年招收硕士和博士研究生。目前已招收南非驻国际民航组织代表来校攻读博士研究生;国际民航组织理事会成员国联合推荐的南非、尼日利亚、苏丹和赞比亚民航局的8名外国政府国际组织后备人才来校攻读硕士学位。

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The Institute of International Organization Innovation hosts training for international organizations in science and technology and international talents in aviation

So far,刘浩培养的硕博士研究生已经在国际民航组织担任过航行委员会主席、理事会第一副主席,More than 40 senior leaders and management personnel including secretary general have been trained for international scientific and technological organizations in China,Many of the trainees of the Air traffic Control "100 Strong Programme" have taken up positions in the ICAO。“我希望培养出的学生能在国际舞台上服务国家发展,同时又要有益于整个世界。"Liu Hao said,培养学生找到国际复杂问题中“最大公约数”的能力,是他的目标。

高空域运行(Higher Airspace Operation,HAO)新规则制定,真“浩”

在“空天”之间,存在着一块空间环境极为特殊的区域——临近空间,通常在距离地球表面20千米到100千米之间。传统民用航空活动一般在海拔18km以下的高度进行,而航天活动一般在海拔100km以上的高度进行。这块位于航空航天领域过渡区域的临近空间,In recent years逐渐走入国际视野,在服务经济社会发展和安全方面具有广阔的前景。However, the development of adjacent space, opportunities and challenges coexist。受法律地位的不确定性影响,临近空间产业运营的可预见性、经济可行性和长期可持续性均无法得到保证。

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Liu Hao introduces the system of exclusive use of space at the United Nations Office in Vienna

结合自身专业背景和多年国际组织工作经验,刘浩创新性提出专属利用空间国际法律制度(Exclusive Utilization Space,EUS)。“专属利用空间,在性质上类似于海洋法上的‘专属经济区’,即并不属于沿海国领土,但沿海国享有开发利用和管理的主权性权利。"Liu Hao explained。

专属利用空间制度创新得到了联合国外空委、国际民航组织和国际学术组织的高度关注。On this basis, the International Space Security Promotion Council organized the drafting of the text of an international treaty on near space。国际民航组织第四十一届大会也将该议题列入工作日程,巧合的是,国际民航组织使用的首字母缩写HAO刚好是 “浩”的汉语拼音。"There was this feeling that I was the one。"Liu Hao laughed。

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Liu Hao chaired the JARUS Conference in Rome as Secretary-General

聚焦航空航天、数字经济领域国际组织和全球治理,刘浩深耕近20年,取得丰硕成果。担任国家空管法规标准研究中心副主任,国家空管专家,英国皇家航空学会高级会员(Fellow)。Secretary-general of the Unmanned Systems Rulemaking Consortium (JARUS) (Former Executive Chairman),国际民航组织亚太区无人航空器系统工作组主席和多个专家组成员、顾问,Chairman, Legal Group, Space Study Group, International Civil Aviation Organization and United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs,Conduct/participate in unmanned aviation, suborbital flights, near space operations (high airspace operations),HAO) Relevant international rule-making,Put forward the concept of intelligent supervision,Creation of an international legal regime for the Exclusive Use of Space (EUS)。自2022年起,连续两年作为发起人和主笔撰写发布《冰球突破官网》,在全球数字经济发展和治理领域,积极传播着中国声音、贡献着中国方案。

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Liu Hao was the initiator of the Beijing Declaration on Global Governance of the Digital Economy

此外,Liu Hao has long been involved in air traffic control system reform,Formulation of China's aerospace policy and legal system,在《冰球突破官网》《冰球突破官网》《冰球突破》《冰球突破官网》《冰球突破官网》《冰球突破官网》《冰球突破》等立法工作中担任起草组、专家组成员。先后主持国家级、省部级以上科研项目40余项,在SSCI /CSSCI重要期刊发表论文30余篇。

"In the next work,I will make full use of the advantages of the university's characteristics of science and technology,Integrating technology and governance,On the one hand, we will establish and consolidate the advantages of international scientific and technological organizations and international academic research on global governance,Build a world-class research team,确立国际一流交叉学科地位;另一方面深入参与科技治理领域国际组织和全球治理业务,全力培养具有全球视野、熟悉国情、精通沟通、业务精湛、语言过关的国际组织和全球治理人才。Facing the future, Liu Hao is full of confidence。