Zhang Jun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Institute of Technology, teaches "The First Lesson of Career Start" to new teachers and new cadres.

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为深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于教育的重要论述,4月27日上午,冰球突破举行新入职教师“职涯起航第一课”,校党委书记张军作《冰球突破》的专题报告。The students of the ninth "Yan 'an Roots Finding Plan" education training course, the new management cadre training course, teacher representatives, etc. listened to the report in the main venue and two sub-venues respectively, and other teachers and the staff of Beitech Attached high School watched the live broadcast through the Yanhe classroom。The meeting was presided over by Yan Yan, assistant to the principal and Minister of the Teachers' Work Department/Human Resources Department of the Party Committee。


Zhang Jun made a special report in three chapters: "Those who have the great heart of the country, build the dream of a strong country", "Take the road of Beili, set up the national aspirations", "Bravely bear the task of rejuvenation, and be a dream pursuer", and put forward ardent expectations for the teachers of BEIT。

张军系统回顾了党的十八大以来习近平总书记关于教育的重要论述,From the aspects of higher education, scientific and technological innovation, personnel training, teachers, young cadres, "double first-class" construction,深入学习了习近平总书记的系列重要讲话精神,重点领学了习近平总书记考察中国人民大学时发表的重要讲话。He stresses,造就时代英才、铸就大国重器、加速科技自立自强是贯彻落实习近平总书记重要讲话精神的冰球突破官网实践,Young teachers should find a correct position in it,Ten years to sharpen a sword,Strive to run on the track of the construction of "double first-class" universities,Ran the best results of contemporary university teachers。

Zhang Jun introduced the red history and educational achievements of BEIT to the teachers. He used the story of successive generations of BEIT teachers' efforts to serve the country to show the "red road of education", "Strong Army Road of serving the country" and "innovative development road" made by BEIT in the 82 years since its founding.。He points out,Beijing Institute of Technology is the first science and engineering university founded by the Communist Party of China,In all historical periods, we have always listened to and followed the Party,Education for the party, education for the country,To meet the major strategic needs of the country,We have cultivated a number of outstanding talents who are dedicated to serving the country,Truly achieved "the university run by the Party makes the Party rest assured"。

At the end of the report, Zhang Jun analyzed the changes in the domestic and international situation and stressed the importance and urgency of accelerating the construction of world-class universities。He said that university teachers in the new era should find problems with boundary-breaking thinking, find the direction with harmonious thinking, concentrate superior resources to stand out, and gather team strength to achieve collaborative innovation。He pointed out that first-class teachers are the key and basis for the construction of "double first-class" universities, and we should use first-class teachers to train first-class talents to achieve valuable growth of students and valuable achievements of teachers。He stressed that first-class universities should consciously fulfill the mission of self-reliance and self-improvement of high-level science and technology, and university teachers need to recognize the major changes in the future development mode of scientific and technological innovation, accurately grasp the "new paradigm" of scientific and technological innovation, and accelerate the transformation from technology-driven to scenario-driven scientific research mode。He called on all staff to inherit the red gene of "Yan 'an root and military soul", take root in the land of China, accelerate the construction of a world-class university, and achieve personal growth and the development of the university and the country in the same frequency resonance, the same direction。

After the report,Participating teachers have expressed as a new generation of North Lee workers,We should actively devote ourselves to the construction of "double first-class" universities,Think of the "great state",Proactively serving national strategic needs,We will continue to strive to build a great modern socialist country and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,Take concrete actions to welcome the victory of the Party's 20th Congress。

“职涯起航第一课”是学校深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于教育的重要论述、提升教师思想政治教育实效的有力举措。Activities closely around the fundamental task of Lide tree people,Combined with the development history and school-running characteristics of Beijing Institute of Technology,Help new teachers to understand the red history of the school, brilliant achievements and development plans,Inherit the red gene,Enhance the love school honor school emotion,Strive to be a "four have" good teacher,It lays a good foundation for the new teachers to integrate into the school career development as soon as possible and grow up quickly。