The 2024 special practice course and the opening ceremony for new students of the Double-Creation Special Class of Beijing Institute of Technology were successfully held

From September 6 to 8, all 72 undergraduates of the Class 2023 and Class 2024 of Beijing Institute of Technology carried out the featured course "Product Design Practice" and the opening ceremony for new students in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area。Li Zexiang, President of Shenzhen Institute of Science and Technology, Yu Ying, Vice president of School of Automation, Yang Yi, Vice president of Xu Teli College, Zhao Hao, Vice president of Xu Teli College, Wang Ru, Vice Minister of Education Department of Zhuhai Campus of Beijing Institute of Technology and all the students of Double Innovation class participated in the activity。

On September 6, the graduation defense of the featured course "Product Design Practice" of the Double Creation class was completed。The course lasted for two weeks, and the students joined 13 entrepreneurial teams in the seed round or angel round in Shenzhen University of Science and Technology for practice, immersive experience of the whole process of intelligent C-end product definition and the front-line work mode of hard technology entrepreneurship。During the defense, the students demonstrated a deep understanding of user demand analysis, product program design, and technical difficulties。Li Zexiang encouraged the students to seize the opportunity of new engineering education reform, have the courage to participate in the wave of innovation and entrepreneurship in the robot industry, and contribute to the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country。After the conclusion of the defense, the teachers of both sides conducted in-depth discussions on further introducing first-class teaching resources, deepening the reform of teaching mode and stimulating the vitality of teachers and students。

On September 7, all the teachers and students visited Zhuhai campus and had a discussion and exchange。The students learned about the history and development planning of Zhuhai Campus in the Cultural and Sports Complex, visited the team construction and scientific and technological innovation achievements of Zhuhai Campus in the Greater Bay Area Innovation Institute, and experienced the unique charm of the Chinese intangible cultural heritage in the South Lion Cultural Center。

On September 8, the students visited the XbotPark Robot Base in Dongguan, and went to Huawei and DJI for field visits and learning。In Xbotpark Robot Base, students learned high-level innovative product design ideas and innovative and entrepreneurial group working mode, and systematically understood the supply chain sharing mechanism for diverse, complex and high-quality manufacturing needs。At Huawei Songshan Lake Base, the students enjoyed the beautiful working environment and Huawei's corporate culture。At the global headquarters of DJI, students experienced the deep integration of advanced unmanned systems and enterprise R&D operations。

The Beijing Institute of Technology's special class implements the training mode of innovative and entrepreneurial talents driven by cutting-edge technology and market demand, and is committed to cultivating outstanding leading talents of robot engineers who can control the two-way demand of "core" technology and industry。This characteristic practice course covers one school, three places and four enterprises, organically integrates diversified education subjects and differentiated double and innovation education resources, and further explores a new paradigm for the cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial talents。